
极限 limit
数列 sequence of number
通项 general term
下标 subscript
脚标 subscript
附标 subscript
极限 limit
收敛 convergence
收敛于 a converge to a
发散 divergent
极限过程 limit process
极限的保号性 the extreme preservation property
极限的唯一性 uniqueness of limits
收敛数列的有界性 boundedness of a convergent sequence
单调数列 monotonic sequence
夹逼定理 squeeze rule
子列 subsequence


函数的极限 limits of functions
函数 当x趋于x0时的极限 limit of functions as x approaches x0
左极限 left limit
右极限 right limit
单侧极限 one-sided limits
水平渐近线 horizontal asymptote
无穷小 infinitesimal
无穷大 infinity
正无穷大 positive infinity
负无穷大 negative infinity
铅直渐近线 vertical asymptote


无穷小量 infinitesimal quantity
高阶无穷小量 infinitesimal of higher order
低阶无穷小量 infinitesimal of lower order
同阶无穷小量 infinitesimal of the same order
等价无穷小量 equivalent infinitesimal
k阶无穷小量 infinitesimal quantity of order k
无穷大量 infinite quantity
同阶无穷大量 infinite quantity of the same order
高阶无穷大量 higher infinite quantity
k阶无穷大量 infinite quantity of order k


函数的连续性 continuity of a function
连续 continuous
左连续 left continuous
右连续 right continuous
增量 increment
函数 在x0连续 the function is continuous at x0
区间上的连续函数 continuous function
函数 在该区间上连续 function is continuous on an interval
不连续点 discontinuity point
可去间断点 discontinuity point can be removed
跳跃间断点 jump discontinuity
振荡间断点 oscillation discontinuity point
无穷间断点 infinite discontinuity point
跃度 jumping degree
第一类间断点 discontinuity point of the first kind
第二类间断点 discontinuity point of the second kind


定义区间 defined interval
最大值 global maximum value (absolute maximum)
最小值 global minimum value (absolute minimum)
最大值点 maximum value point
最小值点 minimum value point
零点定理 the zero point theorem
介值定理 intermediate value theorem
